And then Natalie needed a little photo-op moment too :-) No prob with this little ones curls...
And now... were off to see the corn maze!!!
Ready... Set... GO! It was around 2.2 miles to get through this thing! It took an hour! Of course Nate and Clara lead the way. Although this is no excuse, I'm sure Cioccia and I would not have been able to get us through it any faster!
Hi Troy!... He was such a trooper... The little ones have much shorter legs than the big ones and they were going pretty fast with excitement. I had to hold Natalie for more than half of it... I hope my White jacket come clean :-) HA!
A brief picture moment with all the kiddos smiling!
I think I know which way guys!!!!
Can they get any cuter??? Of course they can! This maze was right up there all alley!
Nate Dog with BIG smiles!!!
Family photo :-) I actually had Lisa here to help get me in one! Thanks LIS!!!!
"I found my punkin"
The Mankes!
And it's a fun hunt for pumkins....
And here's the drop zone! I'm sure you can guess who brought which pumpkins to this pile :-)
Yes... I asked for a picture and this is what I got....
Not from my sweet Pippy though!
Really??? It does get sweeter...!!! How does this happen? I heard Clara as we were going through the maze and say " I think it's this way Buddy" to her Mr. Nate... Then Lisa informed me that Nate said Clara was his girlfriend the other day. I think this is so special since they have been together since day 1!!!
I found mine!
ME THREE!!! The truth is... this smile was not visible through the maze... It was alot of tears and stubborness! At one point we all left her, thinking she would follow... No... Not Natalie... I had to go back and grab her and she was mad that I did! But that's ok... Everyone else had a great time!
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