Saturday, October 12, 2013

Corn Maze time!!!

 But just before a little corn maze...  For picture day at school.... I had to capture a picture of Clara with her hair momentarily curled hair.  We had taken an extra long time after her bath for her picture.  I'm sure her photographer will get a much better picture, but her hair was NOT curly anymore!
 And then Natalie needed a little photo-op moment too :-) No prob with this little ones curls...
 And now... were off to see the corn maze!!!
 Ready... Set... GO!  It was around 2.2 miles to get through this thing!  It took an hour! Of course Nate and Clara lead the way. Although this is no excuse, I'm sure Cioccia and I would not have been able to get us through it any faster!
 Hi Troy!... He was such a trooper... The little ones have much shorter legs than the big ones and they were going pretty fast with excitement.  I had to hold Natalie for more than half of it... I hope my White jacket come clean :-) HA!
 A brief picture moment with all the kiddos smiling!
 I think I know which way guys!!!!
 Can they get any cuter??? Of course they can! This maze was right up there all alley!
 Nate Dog with BIG smiles!!!

 Family photo :-)  I actually had Lisa here to help get me in one! Thanks LIS!!!!
 "I found my punkin"
 The Mankes!
 And it's a fun hunt for pumkins....
 And here's the drop zone!  I'm sure you can guess who brought which pumpkins to this pile :-)
 Yes... I asked for a picture and this is what I got....
 Not from my sweet Pippy though!
 Really??? It does get sweeter...!!! How does this happen?  I heard Clara as we were going through the maze and say " I think it's this way Buddy" to her Mr. Nate... Then Lisa informed me that Nate said Clara was his girlfriend the other day.  I think this is so special since they have been together since day 1!!!
 I found mine!
ME THREE!!! The truth is... this smile was not visible through the maze... It was alot of tears and stubborness!  At one point we all left her, thinking she would follow... No... Not Natalie... I had to go back and grab her and she was mad that I did! But that's ok... Everyone else had a great time!

Friday, October 11, 2013

A little visit and ALOT of fun at Seabrook!

WERE HERE! And we can't be more excited about the sun shining and the fun that's about to begin!

Grandma Dorothy's Cottage was very welcoming.  The girls found all sorts of kid stuff in drawers we would have never thought to look into to!  There was never a dull moment here....
Lots to do, in so little time, but we found a fun park for the girls and it was hard to drag them out of here to get back to the beach for some sunshine, kite flying and digging in the sand.

GO FLY A KITE  ;-)  Well... we sure did try, but unbelievably, there was hardly any wind!  We were so lucky we went on a weekend like this one....
Run Clara, Run.... This was the only way to get that kite up and going....
until she stopped, and back down it went....
I think Natalie found her very most favorite thing to do... dig...dig...dig... She was always putting some sand in that bucket.  A little scoop here... and off she would go... for another scoop there.... She was always on the move with that bucket and shovel! 

T-Shirt weather, it was awesome!!!

Clara being creative with the sand... Making sand rain on her little weed she planted.


What's a trip to the beach without your name in the sand...
I love this one... You can see Natalie's goofy full blast run!
Daddy making a drawing of Natalie's shadow...
Getting ready to go back down to the beach for some CLAM DIGGIN'!  I'm sure the wind will have picked up and the sun won't be as warm.....

NOT!!!  But we stayed extra warm :-)
Nana is showing off her digging skills!
Here we go!
And it doesn't take us long. Lucky for us, we were able to get the girls limits too! 180 clams total for the the two days....

Helping out Daddy... Im suprised she's not digging in the sand!
Okay... I've said it before... She has someones buns! With alot less hair! Clara was all about getting those clams out of the hole... She was so into it, she didn't even notice half her buns were hanging out!

DIRTY little girl....
And She also found a friend on the beach to chit chat with about how his clam digging was going :-)
I really think that it was her mission to get dirty.  As a matter of fact, at the end of the night before bed she was asked what her favorite part about the day was and she said "GETTING DIRTY!"

I'm pretty sure she was intentionally wiping mud on her pants in this one...
And some warrior beach sand paint on the cheek!
Clamming was a success! Buckets and nets, FULL!
And what a lucky bunch of clam diggers we are!!!
Cheese!!! The adults got to enjoy a little beer at the Brew fest and the a ring pop for the kiddos!
Also, some coloring, which we all know is Clara's favorite thing to do!
And after a few scribbles Natalie was off to find something else to do.  I would say this was a good find and an awfully cute little cheeser before it's time to head back down to the beach for Day 2 of Clam diggin' fun!
Daddy and Clara, heading down to hunt for Clams...
And another gorgeous day down at the beach! 

Net's full again, lots of happy clam diggers (not so happy clams)!
Thanks Papa and Nana for the wonderful memories.  The girls are still talking about Grandma Dorthy's and the fun at the beach!  Can't wait to do it again!!!
As we got back to the car, this is the view we had... pretty amazing!