Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lots of fun stuff!

 We had a wonderful visit from the Lederman ladies... But I didn't get my camera out often enough to take pictures... At least I ended up with this cute one!
 And a little slip-n-slide action ...!  Next time we'll have to convince Elle to get a face full of water too :-)
 Just a little wet!
 And just a little bit of water at a time for this one!
 It really was innocent, I think... trying to get her little Sis to go down the slide.... Mama saved the day, after a few loud screams!
 We discovered a beautiful beach on our way home from dinner with Jennifer and had to go back the next day!  First time they got to play with sand... Poor kids!
 And Gigi came along with us!  Fetching their pale of water for some sand castles.... I couldn't get a picture quick enough since Clara had much pleasure in kicking them down so quickly!
  All smiles for these kiddos. Even if your glasses aren't serving their purpose properly ;-)
 foot burials!
 tire swinging.....
 getting wet feet!
 and watching out for the waves!

 Since it was so much fun, we took Grammy there before we got to have a nice Birthday dinner with her! 

 More exploring!

 And a special night back at home... We got to keep Clara up late for some S'mores with Grams!!!

 Just the beginning of some good S'more nights :-)
 Whaling days weekend!  We got to hang out with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Louie!!!
 And now begins the wallet draining, non-sense games and rides.... Whatever makes them smile, right???
 Or cry, because they won the little toy instead of the big toy....
 Or... maybe because, this all of sudden looks different from the top of the slide instead of from the bottom!
 But... we are all smiles now!
 And ready to do it AGAIN!!!!!

 Stepping up to the dragon ride ;-) For as careful, and scared as this kiddo is, she sure had no fear to do this one! 

 Little Miss Serious!

 ohhh... I think we got a smile and maybe even a little screech!
 According to Nana... No fair is complete without a shaved ice!
 This morning we chased Daddy around the yard while he worked so hard... And he led them to the blackberry bushes... So here is our stained face and hands! I think we got our portion of fruit for the day taken care of ;-)

 And we even found a little frog!  There was ALOT of "don't squeeze, don't squish" going on, but I didn't have to say, "not in your mouth" surprisingly!

 I'm sure we all remember riding down the road in the back of your Dad's pick up... Since that will never happen, we will at least have fun playing in the back of it!

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