We've been so fortunate to have such beautiful weather! So we have to take advantage and get our suits on and hang with our wonderful friends!
A Popsicle is a must on a hot day....
Even the little ones know just what to ask for when the sun is shining!
Little Natters on Cinco De Mayo!
And of course we have to welcome the cloudy days too :-) So onto a little indoor project... Making a string of Cheerios for the birds...
Well... We thought it was for the birds, but after some spying out our back door, we noticed Mr. Squirrel was enjoying a little snack to!
This is how we roll when Sis is at school....
And this is how we roll at the grocery store! I said I would never be that Mom pushing around those HUGE carts, well.... Can't say no to these little stinkers!
Too much fun in the sun??? Well... Bring it on rain! We can still play under your showers!
"ohhhh my friend loves me"
Don't mind me....Just sunnin' my buns...
We had a lovely Saturday evening... Daddy went out with some friends so us girls went to Red Robin and to the park for some energy burning playtime!
Thanks Nana for our summer dresses!!! We LOVE them!!!
And a little doughnut after Sunday school never hurt anyone!?!
Clara got invited to a Birthday party for her friend at school... She is smiling here, but let me tell you, I was lucky to get a moment of happiness on camera! Most of it was tears of fears.... And then just when she was getting the hang of it, the skates flew out from right underneath her and on her buns (very hard fall) she went... She didn't walk right for the next 30 minutes after that one!
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