Saturday, November 10, 2012

lot's of New's in November!

Natalie discovered that sitting on the potty wasn't so bad after all!  She's been practicing in the bathroom with a couple of successful trips!  Last week, Natalie was walking towards the bathroom and saying "potty, potty"... So I swooped her up and ran her in there.  Much to my amazement she went right away!  Soooo....
 Then we brought the potty seat in the living room and put some panties on.  She thought that was pretty funny that she was wearing Sissy's panties!  And she wanted to nothing to do with the toys, but to sit her cute little buns on the potty, was entertaining enough for her. 
Especially watching a video of Sissy at her school Halloween party.....
Then the exhaustion set in... for me.... She was up and down off the potty trying to figure out how to sit back down herself.  I was so afraid she was going to have an accident...! You would think it was common sense to just back up to the thing and plop your buns down... Butt... 
 Not for Natalie.... She had to step in the potty first.... Which is just so gross! Then.... Get one foot out at a time and...
 Finally... Sit down.... with a little cheer for herself ;-) 
And just in case anyone was wondering what Mr. Cockin was looking like these day... It's Movember. And here he is... Looking like a pedophile!
Clara saw a beautiful Cinderella bike at Costco last week and insisted that she have it.  I told her she already has a beautiful black bike at home that she needed to learn to ride first to prove she's really ready to have this special bike she wants... First sunny day we got in  a couple weeks and she was ready to prove to me she could do it!
And she did!
With a great big smile!!! 
This was last year in June.... I can't believe how much she's grown!  One more month and she'll be 4 already :-(
 After we laid Natalie down for a nap... Clara asked for a Halloween treat.  She was so excited when she found a sucker that was a ring! And asked if she could pose for some pictures! Silly girl...

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