Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December is here!!!

 And...Were hanging....!  After some swim lessons, Daddy and Pip got a little more exercise in!

 This little girl LOVES balloons!  She was quite entertained by them, like all morning long!  Now I know what I need to get when I have alot to get done... Balloons!
 Oh Christmas tree.... Oh Christmas tree.... Pip helped hang up all the decorations while Natalie was napping.  She did an excellent job!
 "Tent" as Natalie would say... The girls are very lucky to have such a special cousin who loves them so much!
 This sweet little snowman sings, and dances and Natalie just can't get enough of him... I will apologize to Nana in advance... Sorry.... I'm sure she'll have this little guy all busted up before Christmas is here with all the carrying around he gets!
 Gigi had Clara make a special birthday plate for me. But... Pip didn't want to be in the picture!  As you can see someone else didn't mind taking the credit for it :-)

After the BEST curry chicken dinner that Jeanna made, we got to indulge in these yummy chocolate cupcakes she made. THANKS!!!

Natalie has been on her best behavior around the tree... She does like to "touch" as she calls it, but it's gentle and is usually just one time.  I hope she keeps up the good work!
 Hi!!!  Guess what has two purposes to it???
Grammy's apples! She just helps herself now... I was at the desk and I hear a little voice saying "Hi".... I looked over and thought, what the heck is she standing on?! Only Natalie...

 Then... I got back to finishing what I was doing after I told her to be careful and she says... "apple, apple"... Looked back over and she opened the container and helped herself!  Wow... ! 

 My two lovely ladies!  Nana stopped by to bring  a special delivery... My new camera lens!  Thanks Dad and Mom!!! I LOVE IT!!!  And I love how the two of you have the same exact mouth :-)

Someone had the giggles!

 Anxiously waiting for Christmas to get here...
 There is a story behind these buns... She was sitting on the potty, and like always... she wants a drink of water.... So back and forth I go from the sink to her.  Then she insisted she get it herself, so I set her up on the stool, saw these cute little buns, and thought I have to go get my camera!  As soon as I got back (in approx 3 seconds) she had pee'd! "stool, pee'd... stool, pee'd"  Yes... Natalie... you pee'd on the stool! 
 Natalie is sick with a nasty cold and has a disgusting "running" nose (as Natalie says).  Clara apparently thought it was a good idea to rinse it off with the syringe.  To my amazement, they thought this was so funny!  One likes to clean and the other likes water so it all worked out! 

 A little drink for her too!

 There was lot's of love in the tub today :-)
 And a little rear ender :-)

Catch up time!

 Natalie really loves her babies and books these days... She was tired and layed out a blankie for her and her baby to lay down on... then a few minutes later, she was getting a book to look at.  Love her age right now... She is just so sweet!

 And I had to chuckle when I was going through the pictures. SO GLAD this "thing on his face" is gone!!!

Clara had an amazing thanksgiving feast at preschool the day before Thanksgiving.  And here are two classes getting put together, 38 kids, in a VERY organized fashion!  They each had to carry a chair and find a seat at the table. There was no confusion, they did exactly as they were told imediatly... I need to take some notes here!

And Mrs. Zegers had each one of the kindergartners come up to get decorations to put on the tables.

And lit candles to boot!
Almost ready... ALL of these kids waited so patiently, I was very impressed and wondered how our sweet little Clara managed to have such wonderful manners!?!? Where are they at home???
And finally.... The Feast! The day before, the kids made jello with fruit, cornbread, pumpkin pudding and Mrs. Zegers roasted a Turkey.  I thought that was pretty special... Were very lucky Clara is in such a fun school!

After the feast, they were all dismissed to listen to a story. Clara is in the back with the blue jacket on.

I couldn't believe it... Our little Clara was raising her hand to tell Mrs. Light what her favorite part of the feast was :-)  I guess after all.... She is a little more social then I ever thought she was!  She was down at the end of the table chatting away with her buddies and completely enjoying herself!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

lot's of New's in November!

Natalie discovered that sitting on the potty wasn't so bad after all!  She's been practicing in the bathroom with a couple of successful trips!  Last week, Natalie was walking towards the bathroom and saying "potty, potty"... So I swooped her up and ran her in there.  Much to my amazement she went right away!  Soooo....
 Then we brought the potty seat in the living room and put some panties on.  She thought that was pretty funny that she was wearing Sissy's panties!  And she wanted to nothing to do with the toys, but to sit her cute little buns on the potty, was entertaining enough for her. 
Especially watching a video of Sissy at her school Halloween party.....
Then the exhaustion set in... for me.... She was up and down off the potty trying to figure out how to sit back down herself.  I was so afraid she was going to have an accident...! You would think it was common sense to just back up to the thing and plop your buns down... Butt... 
 Not for Natalie.... She had to step in the potty first.... Which is just so gross! Then.... Get one foot out at a time and...
 Finally... Sit down.... with a little cheer for herself ;-) 
And just in case anyone was wondering what Mr. Cockin was looking like these day... It's Movember. And here he is... Looking like a pedophile!
Clara saw a beautiful Cinderella bike at Costco last week and insisted that she have it.  I told her she already has a beautiful black bike at home that she needed to learn to ride first to prove she's really ready to have this special bike she wants... First sunny day we got in  a couple weeks and she was ready to prove to me she could do it!
And she did!
With a great big smile!!! 
This was last year in June.... I can't believe how much she's grown!  One more month and she'll be 4 already :-(
 After we laid Natalie down for a nap... Clara asked for a Halloween treat.  She was so excited when she found a sucker that was a ring! And asked if she could pose for some pictures! Silly girl...