With all the hustle and bustle in December (no excuse)... I can't believe I forgot to post pictures from Clara's birthday!
Happy Birthday to the crazy haired kiddo!!! Talk about some serious bed head!!!
Whoaaa... Lots of balloons to wake up to ;-)
And now we wait for our guests to arrive...
More family!!!
And the best part... THE CAKE!!!
Even Natalie thinks so....
And we even got a special visit from a couple of Clara's favorite little girlies.... Emma....
And Mac! They were all very excited to be princesses for a day :-)
Lots of fun with a some seriously silly girls...!
I can't believe she's 4... But she's itching to be 5! She asks me at least once a week, "when am I gonna be 5 Mom?"... I wish she would stay this little forever...Well maybe not forever, but we sure will enjoy her while she is!!!